Psalm 5
1Give ear to my words, O Lord,
My deep groaning don’t ignore.
2Hear and heed my pleading prayer,
As I come and seek Your care.
King and God, to You I pray;
I will watch for You this day.
3In the morning, hear my voice,
In the morning, I’ll rejoice;
Bring my prayers before Your throne,
Wait in hope for You alone.
4You don’t love the wrong we do,
Evil cannot dwell with You.
5Pride can’t stand before Your eyes;
Those who do wrong You despise.
6You destroy those who tell lies,
Men of bloodshed You chastise.
7But by mercy I will come,
Humbly bow within Your home.
8Lead me in Your righteousness,
For my foes cause me distress.
Make Your way straight before me;
9For their words aren’t trustworthy.
Their throat is an open grave,
Heart is dark, and tongue can’t save.
10Make them bear their guilt, O God;
Let them fall by their own fraud.
Banish them for all their sin,
For they have rebelled within.
By their own intrigues they fall—
Hold them guilty, God of all.
11But let those who trust in You,
have great joy and sing anew.
Spread protection over them,
That they may rejoice again.
12For You bless the righteous, Lord;
Keep them by Your shield and sword.