Index of Meters & Tunes

Index of Meters and Tunes

Short Meter (66.86)

Festal Song (Rise Up, O Men of God)
Southwell (Lord Jesus, Think On Me)
St. Michael (Stand Up and Bless the Lord)
St. Thomas (I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord)
Trentham (Breathe on Me, Breath of God)

Short Meter Double (66.86 D)

Diademata (Crown Him with Many Crowns)
Terra Beata (This is My Father’s World)

Common Meter (86.86)

Azmon (O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing)
Crimond (The Lord’s My Shepherd)
Dundee (God Moves in a Mysterious Way)
Morning Song (My Soul Gives Glory to My God)
New Britain (Amazing Grace)
Richmond (O For a Heart to Praise My God)
St. Anne (O God, Our Help in Ages Past)
St. Columba (The King of Love My Shepherd Is)
Winchester Old (Come Holy Ghost, Our Hearts Inspire)

Common Meter Double (86.86 D)

Ellacombe (Hosanna, Loud Hosanna)
Forest Green (I Sing the Mighty Power of God)
Kingsfold (I Sing a Song of Bethlehem)
Llangloffan (O God of Earth and Altar)

Long Meter (88.88)

Duke Street (Jesus Shall Reign)
Germany (Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life)
Hamburg (When I Survey the Wondrous Cross)
Old 100th (Doxology)
Rockingham Old (When I Survey the Wondrous Cross)
Tallis’ Canon (All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night)
Truro (Lift Up Your Heads)

Long Meter Double (88.88 D)

Candler (Ye Banks and Braes)
Guidance (He Leadeth Me)
Sweet Hour (Sweet Hour of Prayer)
In Christ Alone
Before the Throne of God Above

76.76 D

Aurelia (The Church’s One Foundation)
Lancashire (Lead On, O King Eternal)
Munich (O Word of God Incarnate)
Passion Chorale (O Sacred Head, Now Wounded)

77.77 D

Aberystwyth (Jesus, Lover of My Soul)
St. George’s Windsor (Come, Ye Thankful People, Come)


Dix (For the Beauty of the Earth)
Redhead (Go To Dark Gethsemane)


Arise (Come Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy)
Stuttgart (May the Grace of Christ Our Savior)

87.87 D

Austrian Hymn (Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken)
Beach Spring (Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service)
Beecher (Love Divine, All Loves Excelling)
Ebenezer (O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus)
Hyfrydol (Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus)
Nettleton (Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing)
Ode to Joy (Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee)

Eventide (Abide With Me)
Morecambe (Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart)
National Hymn (God of Our Fathers)
Penitentia (Here, O My Lord, I See Thee Face to Face)
Toulon (I Greet Thee, Who My True Redeemer Art)

Hanover (Ye Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim)
Lyons (O Worship the King)

Foundation (How Firm a Foundation)
Gordon (My Jesus, I Love Thee)
St. Denio (Immortal, Invisible)

Ash Grove (Let All Things Now Living)