Psalm 99


1The Lord God reigns—let nations shake
and tremble before Him;
Let all earth shake—He sits enthroned
between the cherubim.

2The Lord is great in Zion, and
all nations He does own.
3Let nations praise Your awesome name;
He’s holy—He alone.

4The King is mighty, loving right,
And founding equity.
In Jacob, You have done what’s just
and right impeccably.

5Exalt the Lord, our mighty God,
and worship at His throne.
Come worship at His footstool, for
He’s holy—He alone.

6Aaron and Moses were His priests,
And Samu’l called aloud;
They called the Lord—He answered them,
7Spoke to them from the cloud.

They kept His statutes and decrees.
8O Lord, You gave them heed—
Were a forgiving God to them,
Yet punished their misdeeds.

9Exalt the Lord, the Lord our God
and worship at His throne.
Come worship at His holy hill;
He’s holy—He alone.