Psalm 108
76.76 D
1My heart, O God, is steadfast, before You, God and King;
To You I will make music; with all my soul, I’ll sing.
2Awake, O harp and ly-re! I will awake the dawn.
3I’ll praise You, Lord, ’midst nations; to peoples sing Your song.
4Your love is great, and higher than are the heavens high;
Your faithfulness and truth, they do reach unto the sky.
5Exalted o’er the heavens, O God, shall be Your worth;
And let Your wondrous glory be over all the earth.
6Save us, O God, and help us with Your hand from above;
That we may be delivered—all those whom You do love.
7God, from His sanctuary, said: “I will parcel out
in triumph, Succoth’s valley and Shechem ’round about.
8/9“For Gilead is Mine, and Mine is Manasseh, too;
I’ll make Moab My washbowl; on Edom toss My shoe.
Eph-raim will be My helmet, My scepter Judah touts;
And over strong Phi-lis-tia, I will in triumph shout.”
10Who will lead me to Edom, the city fortified?
11Won’t You, O God, who’ve left us, who’ve not stayed on our side?
12Give us Your aid against foes, for help of man is vain;
13With God we will defeat foes; the vic-tor-y we’ll gain.