Psalm 113
87.87 D
1Praise the Lord, sing hallelujah! Praise, O servants of the Lord;
2Bless-ed be the Lord’s name ever—praise Him now and evermore.
3From the rising of the sun to where it sets at end of day,
The Lord’s name is to be praised in ev’ry place the sun has sway.
4For the Lord is high above the nations of earth everywhere,
And His glory is exalted o’er the heav’ns, none can compare.
5Who is like the Lord our God—the One who sits enthroned on high?
6He who stoops to look upon all on the earth from heaven high.
7He does raise the poor from dust; lifts needy ones from the ash heap;
8He seats them with princes, and with princes He their lives will keep.
9He will give the barren woman joy in children all her days;
In a home she will abide—O to the Lord be joyful praise!