Psalm 34 Acrostic in the Hebrew; set in a metrical English acrostic form here.
1All of my days I’ll bless and praise the Lord;
His praise will ever be within my mouth.
2Boast, O my soul, extol the living Lord;
Let all the humble hear it and be glad.
3Come, join with me to magnify the Lord.
Let us together praise His name on high!
4Daily I sought; the Lord has answered me,
And He from all my terrors set me free.
5Each one who looks to Him is not ashamed.
6For this poor man called; the Lord heard and saved.
7God’s righteous angel constantly encamps
around those fearing God and rescues them.
8How good to taste the goodness of the Lord;
Bless’d is the man who trusts in Him alone.
9In fear of God, you saints, forever dwell;
For those who fear God never suffer want.
10Join not the lions hungering for food,
But trust the Lord instead, and have no want.
11Know, children, come and listen unto me,
And I will teach you how to fear the Lord.
12Love you long life and want to see good days?
13May your tongue keep from evil and all lies!
14Now from all evil flee—instead do good;
Seek peace and strive for it with heart and mind.
15Open are His eyes toward the righteous ones;
God‘s ears attentive to their ev’ry cry.
16Proud, evil men, the Lord‘s face does oppose;
Quickly He cuts their mem’ry from the earth.
17Righteous cry out—the Lord will hear their cry;
Saves them from all their troubles and distress.
18The Lord is close to every broken heart,
And saves those who are crushed in heaviness.
19Under His care, the righteous still have trials;
Very sure is the Lord’s deliverance.
20Well He protects their bones and does assure
not one of them will ever broken be.
21eXpect that evil will slay wicked ones;
Yes, foes of righteous ones will be condemned.
22Zion’s true servants, the Lord does redeem;
None who take refuge in Him stand condemned.