Psalm 66
1O shout with great joy unto God, all the earth!
2And sing out the praise of His glory and worth!
3Proclaim unto God, “O how awesome Your deeds!
Your pow’r makes Your enemies cringe before Thee!
4“All those on the earth bow down, praising Your name.
They sing praise to You, they sing unto Your name.”Selah
5Come, see all the works that the Lord God has done;
How awesome His works which for man He has done!
6Come, let us rejoice—He turned sea into land;
They passed through the waters, on foot they could stand.
7Forever He rules by His power and might;
His eyes watch the nations—they’re all in His sight.Selah
Don’t let the rebellious against Him arise;
8Bless our God, O peoples, let praise fill the skies.
9For He has preserved us, and kept our feet sure;
10For You, God, did test us, like silver most pure.
11You put us in prison, bound us in the net;
Laid burdens upon us, oppressing us yet.
12You let men ride o’er us; great fire we went through;
Through fire and through water, but You brought us through.
13I’ll come to Your temple with burnt offering;
My vows I’ll fulfill; sacrifices I’ll bring.
14 For vows that my lips made when trouble did brew,
15I’ll sacrifice rams, bulls, and goats unto You.Selah
16Come, listen, all you who fear God earnestly,
And let me proclaim what He has done for me.
17I cried out to Him with my mouth and my voice,
My tongue spoke His praise and my spirit rejoiced.
18Now if I had cherished my sin in my heart,
The Lord would not listen, nor answer impart.
19But God surely listened and He heard my voice.
20His love’s ever with me—Bless God and rejoice!