Psalm 73
87.87 D
1Surely God is good to Isr’el, to those who are pure in heart.
2As for me, my feet slipped and my foothold nearly fell apart.
3For the arrogant I envied, when they had prosperity;
4For they seem to have no struggles, strong in health they seem to be.
5They are free from common burdens—human ills our lives have borne.
6Therefore pride is like their necklace; vi-o-lence like clothing worn.
7From their callous hearts come evil; plots within their minds do grow.
8And they scoff, they speak with malice, and oppressive threats they show.
9They have set their mouths ’gainst heaven, and their tongues parade the earth.
10Therefore, people turn to them and drink up words that have no worth.
11They say, “How can God know of us? Can the Most High knowledge teach?”
12This is what the wicked look like—carefree and in wealth increased.
13Surely it’s in vain I’ve kept my heart and conscience right and pure;
In vain have I washed my hands in innocence, kept my steps sure.
14All day long I have been stricken, chastened every morning new.
15If I had said, “I will speak thus”—I’d betray Your children true.
16When I tried to understand this, it was heavy in my sight,
17Till I saw God’s sanctuary, entered and saw their true plight.
18Surely they are set by God on slipp’ry ground; to ruin cast—
19Suddenly, they are destroyed and swept away by terror fast.
20Like a dream when one awakens, so when You arise, O Lord;
You will then despise their image—they who gave You no accord.
21When my heart was grieved, embittered, I was like a beast to You;
22I was ignorant and senseless; could not see Your way so true.
23Yet, O Lord, I’m always with You; You hold me by my right hand.
24With your counsel, You will guide me, and make me in glory stand.
25Whom have I in heav’n but You, Lord? And on earth want nothing more.
26Though my heart and flesh may fail me, God’s my portion evermore.
27All of those who are far from You, they will perish, one and all;
You destroy all the unfaithful, who upon You do not call.
28As for me, it is so good that God is near in all my needs;
I have made the Lord my refuge, and will tell of all Your deeds.