Psalm 85
1Lord, You showed Your land Your favor
and restored us bountif’lly.
2All our sin with grace You covered
and forgave iniquity.Selah
3You withdrew Your burning anger,
Turned away from Your fierce wrath.
4Now, once more, O God our Savior,
Restore us who seek Your path.
5Will Your anger last forever?
To all ages wrath prolong?
6Will You not again revive us
that we may rejoice in song?
7Show us now Your lovingkindness,
Grant us Your salvation, Lord.
8I will listen to what God says:
Peace to those who Him adore.
Let them not return to folly
9for salvation is quite near;
In our land may the Lord’s glory
dwell with those who do God fear.
10Love and truth have met together,
Righteousness and peace kiss; then
11faithfulness springs forth from earth and
righteousness looks down from heav’n.
12For the Lord will give what’s good and
then our land its fruit will yield;
13Righteousness will go before Him,
Make His steps a path revealed.