Psalm 103
87.87 D
1Bless the Lord, my soul, let all that is within me bless His name.
2Bless the Lord, my soul, forget not all His mercies to proclaim.
3He forgives all your transgressions; He heals all disease you face.
4He redeems your life forever from the pit with love and grace.
5He with good does satisfy you; renews youth like eagle’s flight
6He works righteousness and justice for those in oppression’s plight.
7He made known His ways to Moses, deeds to Isr’el from above.
8The Lord’s gracious with compassion, slow to anger, rich in love.
9He will not accuse forever, nor keep anger in reserve;
10He does not repay us as our sins and wickedness deserve.
11High as heav’ns above the earth, so great His love for all who fear;
12Far as east is from the west, He’s cast our sin and drawn us near.
13Like a Father has compassion, the Lord pities those who trust;
14He knows how we’re formed in frailty, and remembers we are dust.
15All our days are like the grass, and like the flower of the field—
16When the wind blows, soon it passes—gone its place, no fruit to yield.
17 His love is with those who fear Him, and His justice will endure,
18With all those who keep His cov’nant and obey His statutes sure.
19The Lord set His throne in heaven, and His kingdom rules o’er all.
20Bless the Lord, all you His angels; who obey His ev’ry call.
21Bless the Lord, all heav’n-ly hosts who dwell with Him in glory still—
You, His servants, who obey His ev’ry word and do His will.
22Bless the Lord, all of His works, from everywhere in His domain.
Bless the Lord, my soul—let nothing but His praise in you remain.