Psalm 8
87.87 D
1Lord, our Lord, majestic is Your name throughout the whole wide earth;
You display and set Your splendor o’er the heav’ns which show Your worth.
2From the mouths of infant children, You establish strength and praise;
Make the enemy and vengeful cease before Your wondrous ways.
3When I see Your glor-ious heavens, moon and stars which You ordain;
4What is man that You regard him, son of man with care maintain?
5Yet You made him slightly lower than the angels high above;
Crowning him with glory, honor, just beneath the God of love.
6 You made him to rule creation, put all things beneath his feet—
7/8 Sheep and oxen, beasts and cattle, birds of heav’n and fish of sea;
All that swim within the pathways of the sea declare Your worth.
9 Lord, our Lord, majestic is Your name throughout the whole wide earth.